Eros of the week

The god of love and beauty

Greek god

In Greek mythology, Eros is the god of sexual love and beauty. In honour of this god, we will choose a human, who we’ll worship and adore for the rest of the week, if he were a god. Please help us find these gods! If you think you might be the one or you know someone you adore, make a photo and send it to us: Continue reading

Eros of the week

The god of love and beauty

Eros, Greek god

In Greek mythology, Eros is the god of sexual love and beauty. In honour of this god, we will choose a human, who we’ll worship and adore for the rest of the week, if he were a god. Please help us find these gods! If you think you might be the one or you know someone you adore, make a photo and send it to us:


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